Friday, March 8, 2013

Little Napoleons....

So, why the title?  Because being a Christian just plain sucks sometimes.  Turning the other cheek, loving your neighbor, giving up your finances, and a whole other laundry list of 'selfless' items we are supposed to check off during this journey.  This blog isn't for everyone.  For example: grammar genius', politically correct individuals, co-workers, family members, anyone offended by cursing, and no one with an average sense of humor.  Because the truth be told, all blogs are really for the author ... a safe place to vent, curse, cry, love, hate, and feel all God-given emotions.  I'm quite sure I will offend someone, if not everyone at one point in my life, but isn't that what our true nature is anyway?  Offensive, sinful, and downright selfish?  So, if I've somehow pinpointed you in the last few sentences you may want to stop reading now, or continue at your own risk.  Nevertheless, you have been warned .. my disclaimer does not come with apologies, at least, not tonight.

Where was I?  Oh yes, it's been an awful shxxxxxy week.  (I don't even know how to spell that word, so I added a few extra x's to prove my point).  I was called unprofessional and was reprimanded for an email I had sent.  You would think that after my tirade above, it was something similar, but it really wasn't.  I had entered into a situation where I felt I needed to protect my co-worker and sent an email trying to defend her.  Who cares about the details .... the point is, this all stems from a little Napoleon.

Do you know what I'm talking about?  That person at work who is probably smaller than you, and wishes they were about 15 feet tall with a huge penis?  Yes, you know that person, male or female.  This little Nap (because typing Napoleon takes forever, like just now) has been a sticky thorn in my side for about a year, or more like a zit on my butt that I cannot reach but (ha!) I can sense all the time.  This individual is manipulating, deceitful, mean-spirited, etc ... but is so nice on the surface, with a sweet voice, that disliking the Nap would be like kicking Santa Claus in the shin and stealing one of his reindeer.  Well, the Nap took aim at my coworker/friend this week and thus, the meltdown of emails began.

For some God unknown reason I have become the sounding board for all the hatred the little Nap has brought upon themselves.  People seem to know my unspoken disdain for the Nap (like I give off a disapproval scent) and come to me to vent about this person.  What a gift I have!  I have been compiling this awful information for a year and haven't shared it with anyone but my poor husband.  (Side note: why do men marry us?  We complain and worry about everything!)  Anyway, the information I have been compiling and the attack on my friend came to a head this week.  Now, I am being forced to have lunch with this little Nap, their leader, and my leader next week.  My first reaction is "hell to the no!"  I would rather do (list a million awful things here) then to have to sit and fellowship over lunch with this little Nap.

And here is where I wish I were atheist today ... because this is what I would do.  I would tell both leaders all the Naps dirty secrets!!  I would tell all the bad things the Nap has done, and all the lies and deceit that have spewed from the Nap's lips!  Then I would slap the Nap's face (hey that rhymed!) at lunch, spit in their food, turned the table over, beat my chest, and scream, "I'm going to Disneyland!"


But no .. it's just not that easy.  You see, I was paid for with a price.  I was bought with a covenant I do not understand, a penance I could never repay.  I am a slave to the cross because our sin leads to death. Because I fear a God I so deeply believe in, but have never seen, I am tormented by my spirit man's willingness to give all of my life for Christ's sacrifices, and my flesh that demands her own way.  I am angry tonight for the cost of my sins.  The debt I cannot repay .... the blood that purchased my eternity.

I am angry tonight because the little Napoleon is me and the one in the office is a reflection of this.  I hate both of us and I do not want to reconcile.  I wish so bad I could believe the lie that is Atheism so I could just go on with my night ... this week I will need to find the strength to even want to sit through this lunch ... this week I will need to remember the price of the cross was for little Naps everwhere.  This week I will need to find grace for both of us.

I told you, Atheism is easier.


  1. Ah...yes, Anida...wouldn't it be much easier to just not believe, not have "rules" to live by, do whatever we want no matter how sinful it is? I've thought about this so many times...even with good people who aren't believers. I think "why are they good? I wouldn't if I were them. What do they have to lose?" Answer is...they have so much to lose.

    But you know, just as well as I do, how fulfilling our lives are, full of grace and compassion...not to mention spending an eternity with Him. But I know you know that answer.

    Here's what I thought as I read this...and it must be because it's Lent and I'm reading the Via Crucis and A Cross-centered Life. Our Christ was beaten, spit on, ridiculed, crucified and he didn't do a single thing wrong. Sometimes we are called to be loving and forgiving and compassionate even when we did nothing wrong and the person truly deserves to be punished. We deserve to be punished, yet the One who did nothing wrong stood in our place and doesn't even ridicule us.

  2. Kelli, what's amazing abou your post is that the Via Crucis was written by my father-in-law Shawn Small. Your words are so very true. Thanks for posting!
